My search led me to find my Soul family, Trish Regan and Doug Hackett, who became my mentors and dearest friends. They showed me how I could be with the Whales, took me to them, and helped me to open my channel to the Whale Unity Heart.
And this is the clever way Spirit works with us. When we are open to receive and allow, we notice the guidance, and receive it as something we know we must follow.
Would this have happened had I not been out in the sea kayak that day? Yes of course it would have happened. They would have found another perfect time for the activation. Yet on this day in a situation that was orchestrated by others around me, I was slotted into their flow, a flow, my flow that put us all in the kayaks with the Whales that day, and allowed me to actually feel their energies, and to notice their vibration.
It is the domain of Spirit - with the birds eye view - to orchestrate the synchronicities for us in a way that our physical brains could never do. All of our physical bodies together couldn’t have taken enough action to pull the strings needed for the activation to happen that way, on that day.
Our job here on earth is to remain in our hearts, allowing our higher minds to guide our physical mind through Soul inspirations.
When we can do this, we are in flow. Being in flow means allowing the fairies of the universe to work for us, so we receive surprises and delights we could never fathom.
It’s the difference between pushing and allowing. Pushing is you taking repeated actions, from situations and outcomes you’ve known before. Allowing is your heart, higher mind, higher self and Soul to show you new ways, new paths, new routes, that you’ve never known before. When you follow these, you are in flow with magic.
So anything received as inspiration, that becomes a “want” in your life, will become manifested form. Your inspiration comes from ‘All That Is’, where everything begins. It’s energy first, then matter. So if you can dream it, it can become reality.
I often wonder if we receive inspiration from our creations because they already exist on another time line. We just need to find our way to that timeline, where the manifestation exists, and this is the process of allowing.
For instance the deep love I have always felt for the Whales and Dolphins... was this my Soul holding something for me to receive when I was ready? Or did I create this situation through my love for them?
Or are all situations happening simultaneously, allowing us to view them when we are allowing and trusting in the flow?
Allowing includes passing through the process of time, letting go of your inspiration, “giving it to God”, living from your heart, maintaining the heart felt emotions and excitement of the inspiration, living as if manifestation has happened - a combination of all the above and more.
So by allowing the “pods” of women to gather naturally, organically to be with the Whales, is purely through taking aligned actions. Following the higher guidance, and not repeating physical actions that have been taken previously. For pushing and completing tasks will keep me busy, but I’ll miss the guidance, and the pod will not evolve in the smoothest flow. (It will always evolve, but at what energetic costs?)
As energies are always changing and in motion, for us to receive the newest most vibrant creations from Spirit’s vantage point, so we must float in and out, up and down, all around with those energies too. Even though our retreats’ development takes a certain flow, I am conscious ( and I need reminders) that this development may look different this year.
Yes there is a lot to do. Organising nature escapes and wellness retreats for women brings many tasks. Remember, it’s our job here on earth to commit to the physical tasks when guided to do them. Taking actions when aligned with your highest guidance, not just because you’ve done them before, will open pathways for your evolution through these actions that have been created by Spirit for you. With magnificent diversions, twists and turns.
Only once you’ve evolved through and with these curves in the road, you’ll be able to see the “perfection in the pod” and know this was the destined path.