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Huge Humpback Whale Swimming Underwater and Looking at Camera

Spiritual Swimming Retreats with the Humpback Whales


Join Letina Russell and the Whale Unity Heart.

Whale Swimming And Looking At Camera In Hervey Bay Whale Retreat

Where women gather, awaken, and lead together.

  • You want to connect your spiritual gift to your life purpose. You want to show up in your full light every day, be completely out of the spiritual closet. You want all of your decisions to live, love and lead, to be seeded within your heart.

  • You know there is a super conscious energy that calls us to awaken and connects us to the Whales and Gaia. You want to bring this into your life in a tangible way and feel totally connected to your own divine intelligence everyday.

  • You’re ready to receive unconditional love and healing from the Whales, so you can deeply release, and say goodbye to limiting beliefs in an easy way that you never thought was possible.

  • You’re craving connection with Mother Nature, and want to breathe the salty, sea air, be gently kissed by the sun, receiving  her  light into your body, and immersed in the sparkling blue waters of our Pacific Ocean.

Know your Light - be Seen, Honoured and Valued. 

Face and Bumps on a Large Humpback Whale

Soul Connections

Heart Centred Women All Over the World are Feeling the Call of their Souls, and the Mysterious Call of the Whales.

Learn how to answer, and anchor the greatness of your divine feminine power. Feel complete and fulfilled as you reconnect with your soul family.

Lasting Transformation

Allow the compassionate Humpback Whales to reawaken deep memories of your lineage and sacred intuitive gifts.

With clarity, awareness and courage, know how to integrate this into every aspect of your life from business to pleasure. Live uncompromisingly from this elevated, heart based consciousness everyday.

Mother and Baby Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale Swimming Past

Magical Creation

Learn the high vibrational lessons of the Whales, and create magic in your lives everyday.

Know you are a powerful and divine creator, and break free from the constructs of linear time and space. Understand how surrendering in trust creates your positive flow.


Allow your internal guidance to lead you toward divine synchronicities that positively impact every area of your life. Begin to create your magical life.

Your Spiritual Guide and Mentor

Letina Russel, Medium and Channel
“l will guide you towards knowing your light and divinity.The Whales and I are dedicated to your spiritual growth and continuous awakening.”

Meet your guide, Letina Russell

Healer, Medium and Channel Letina is an internationally renowned multi-dimensional communicator with the whales, and is a bridge for their consciousness known as the Whale Unity Heart. As a sought after speaker on awakening and ascension she has shared high vibrational lessons on how to live as an awakened being on new earth to programs for Ariya Lorenz, Cari Murphy, Lauren Galey, The Awake TV Network, and Dr. Amber Wolf of the Lemurian Sisterhood. Having held more than 250 sacred circles around the world, in person, Letina has a special ability to hold a loving, safe and sacred space for you to BE. "I am passionate about a culture where our communities are led by inclusive and heart centered women who can confidently speak their truths. My retreats are crafted so that you will receive lasting transformation from your personal life through to your business life. Where every step you take, every word you speak, every decision you make is intentionally congruent with your own superpower, and soul’s highest journey.”

Retreat With Me

You Will Experience:

  • Being connected to the quantum frequencies of the Whales.

  • Being led into their loving and mysterious space.

  • Their loving presence both physically and energetically. 

You Will Discover:

  • What energies your guides and the Whales are moving for you, and which direction they are guiding you. 

  • Their personal messages and energies of healing with the highest integrity and love.

  • Your true spiritual gifts.

  • How to a life of purpose and mastery

Whale doing a backflip in dark blue ocean

Upcoming Retreats

A Big Humpback Whale Eyes And Face

What our Clients are Saying

‘"ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING!" An unforgettable 90 minute heart connection with the Whales”’

Karen Revivo,

from Sacred Whales Retreat 2024

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